Labor Day Heavy Equipment Theft Trends Infographic and Security Tips and Best Practices

NER® wishes all our clients and Law Enforcement partners a happy and safe Labor Day. We also encourage everyone to take steps to make it a crime-free holiday.

The Labor Day holiday can be marred by equipment theft nationwide, as the demand for equipment is often still strong as the busy summer season closes. All areas should consider equipment theft to be a threat just before and over the holiday.

As with Memorial Day and 4th of July holidays, reports to NER show that dealer yard and job site burglaries over the holiday are always an issue. Thieves also will target storage locations including contractor’s yards and municipal facilities.

Equipment rental fraud and conversion thefts plagued the industry since a surge in 2018. Fraudsters are active nationwide in 2022, and outright thefts from rental business are common in many metro areas. The holiday may provide opportunities thieves won’t pass up.

Try to do something proactive to prevent equipment crimes. Small steps and minor attention to details may be all it takes to deter an opportunistic thief. Below are a few fundamentals for both law enforcement and equipment owners.

If you are the victim of a theft or receive a theft report, please report it to NER online, or email NER at with as little as the machine make, model and serial number plus the date and location of theft, and we’ll enter it for you. Want an NER alert on the theft? Let us know when we follow-up.